Crafter's Intervention Knot Needed
I am a SAHM who loves it! I am an avid crafter (artist) who loves to sell what I make and loves to share " How I do it ". I see other items and take inspiration. I don't follow instructions, I make my own work. I will show my inspiration and you can take it from there. I am a Jane of all trades and love to try EVERYTHING. Here is where I will share my mistakes and my triumphs. I would love for you to share to. Thanks for spending some time with me and my kids in our crafty adventures.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Getting back to "work"
I have said a few times that I am going to post everyday during the week and I am going to take many pictures of what I am doing. I am going to make video instructions of crafts and yadda yadda yadda ... Ok so, I am not a liar, just uhm... Internet lazy! That is why I put the word work in quotes in the title. I actually love being on the Internet but blogging, listing my etsy items, following up on "Link Love" ( which is a whole other monster ) and keeping my Payvment shop up to date and oh yeah liking and posting on Facebook. That my friends, all seem like work! Even though I totally love interacting with everyone and sharing and learning new things, when I say I HAVE to do it, well then it feels like punching a clock.
I guess what I am saying is I am full of good intentions but I really just want to keep having fun doing what I love and I never want to feel like I have to do any of the things I do . Boy what a ramble!!!!
So what have I been up to? Well like I mentioned I started a Facebook Fan page a few months back. Mamablingthing, and on that page you can shop for just about anything I make. I really like using payvment for my shop now tab except I have yet to see a sale through Facebook yet. Not that I am placing blame on facebook, I have been extremely network lazy. I really need to get listing more items on my Etsy page though. What is really cool is that Payvment added an app that takes everything you have listed on etsy and merges it with your facebook store front. Really cool. I'm not sure why Etsy would allow it but so far I haven't heard anything against it. I don't really get into the forums though.
I have recently started making natural bath and body products. I love, love, love doing this. I think my favorite thing to make is the Bath Bombs. Oh and to lay in a warm tub with these....mmmm. I have to remember not to use everything I make because I actually do have to sell some in order to recoup the cost of inventory. What else? Well, goats milk lotions, creams, and body milk spray. Goats milk based lotions are sooo silky, I just love them. Oh yeah and I found out I totally love working with pure soy wax. I bought about 20 lbs. of 100% soy flakes and got soy crazy. I made solid lip gloss, solid perfume, chap stick, and tons of soy tarts. I love the way that any left over wax just washes away! So much nicer than working with bees wax. Don't get me wrong, I really like the smell of bees wax, it's so rich and homey, but it's not fun to clean up your tools after.
This entry is way to boring long so until next time ( maybe tomorrow? ) hugs, blessings, and happy crafting.
Monday, January 11, 2010
New Year...Take 2
Ok friends, here's the deal....... I need motivation. Not the kind needed to go hole myself away and make all kinds of cute little crafts and such. I never need to be motivated for that. I need to give it my all when it comes to getting my products out there.
I use ETSY, Facebook, Twitter, and obviously Blogspot. I am on Ravelry and I have a Flickr stream. All the things I know I should be doing, Right? Did you know that each one of those things should be updated on a regular basis? Did you know that they should all be used simultaneously? Oh and they should all have a similar name? Oh I know this.......... I have done all this, well except KEEP THEM UPDATED. I had 13 post here last year. 13 !!!!!!!! How is that helping me? Do you know I walked in to the Christmas season with 45 item in my etsy store? I only 2 days ago made a Fan page for my etsy shop. ( I didn't know I should have a fan page too ) and twitter? I still have a hard time getting into twitter.
Oh and Ravelry... I love ravelry!!!! Oh but do you think I have done much more with it than keep patterns in my Library or mark OTHER atrist as my favorites.
Ok then there is Flickr. I constantly use Flickr ( for my own editing...). Did you know that you should join groups and follow threads on Flickr? Um............ again I knew this but, yeah anyway.
I AM NETWORKING LAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rant over..... lol
Now this is a New Year and I am giving myself a new start. So..... I will try to post something different during the week. I haven't quite figured it all out yet but I want to give it a shot.
Things like:
Mondays : Metaling ( Beading and Wire work )
Makers ( I will feature other artists that I love )
Morning Banter ( Just a random rant, maybe about the weekend )
Making it ( things I am making with instructions or patterns )
Mastering ( things i am trying out and where I found the how tos for it )
Tuesdays: Tatting ( I needle tat, so I will share things about that here )
Twitter ( Sharing interesting tweets )
Tacky ( all things crafty, tacky and gorgeous )
Wednesdays: What's New ( New to crafting, or well new to me anyway )
Way back ( Those blast from the past crafts we grew up with
Macrame anyone? )
Whip up ( shared items and Ideas that just got or can be easily whipped up)
Thursdays: Threads ( crochet, knitting, sewing, tatting... all things thready )
Thrown together ( pretty much the same as whip up but we all need more time)
Think about it ( what is planned for the future, and what needs to done )
Fridays: Follow Me ( Follow me Fridays just a time to post new site to check out and
Fabric ( all things fabric related: quilts, blankets, clothes, accessories... )
Flickr ( sharing of great flickr streams )
Finished ( here is where finished objects will get post first and will be up for
dare I say it... critique... )
All of this is preliminary and well you guessed it, not set in stone because I am after all
Oh but on that note, there is a great thing happening all over the place and it been dubbed
" LINK LOVE " Just a way to share all of our links with everyone and get your name out there and noticed. Please join in, it's been so much fun so far.
Here's mine:
Fan me, follow me, heart me and I will do the same back!
Hugs, Blessings and Happy Crafting!
( mamablingthing )
Friday, May 15, 2009
Crafty measures
See I knew I was right and now I ( we ) have proof. All those scarves, hats, blankets, and wash cloths are therapeutic! It is money well spent! ( I wonder if I can write off my yarn as a medical expense? Hee hee)
I know what are you talking about? Ok so here, I followed a link to this video this morning. It basically just say that crochet and knitting ( or basically needle work I guess ) keeps your mind active and lowers your blood pressure.
Here watch,
Here's a couple pictures of them.
Ok feathered friends my pup Surrenders!!! Play Nice!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Birdies 2 and 3 are here.
New birds
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Spring is here
Oh wait I did make my Greyhound Abby a new " lambs wool " unstuffed squeak toy. Here's her playing with it.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
HIgh Hopes
In the next comming days I want to add some instructions for things that I have been working on and start sharing more. Hope you come back to find out more.
Hugs blessings and happy crafting.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Crafty Conundrum
Ok until after the show:
Hugs, blessings and happy crafting
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patricks Day
These are my Jumbo brass paper clip bookmarks. I really like these. I have no idea what to price these. Still trying to decide. I don't even know if something like would sell at a craft show. Hopefully they would make good Easter basket stuffers.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Mom and Daughter walk into a quilt store.........
Ok so there really isn't a great punch line to that title but something really cool happened yesterday.
So my mom says hey let's go out for the day. No children, no husbands no time restraints. HMMM...... let me think, should I go? What about vacuuming, or laundry or dusting. Oh did I mention she said something about getting lunch and oh yeah there was a huge quilt show? LOL. No brainer, I'm there. Well the quilt show was nice, very well run and I think I just may have been inspired ( we'll see ). Afterwards we asked about the local quilt store. The ladies replied with " Oh you'll never find it on your own!" HUH?! We knew it was there but my mom had never found it just like they said.
Anyway this little store's entrance could only be accessed from a dead end street by going to the back of a house through an alley. You enter the store by going into the garage. The ladies at the show were right... I NEVER WOULD HAVE FOUND IT .
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Still so new.......
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Keeping on top of things.......
Friday, January 9, 2009
my craft evolution part 2

This is a christmas tree I have started. I still need to add a "trunk" to it. I believe I got this pattern from be-stitched. I'll have to look that up though.